14 November 2008

Friday Five - Remembrance Day

This week's Friday Five invites reflection on the theme of remembrance, which is also present in the feasts of All Saints, celebrated in many liturgical churches on November 1, and All Souls--known in Latin cultures as the Day of the Dead--celebrated in some the following day.

1. Did your church have any special celebrations for All Saints/All Soul's Day?

2. How about Veterans' Day?
Nope - no one said a word.

3. Did you and your family have a holiday for Veterans' Day/Remembrance Day? If so, how did you take advantage of the break?
I did not have a holiday. I went to work on the 11th...but definitely spent a great deal of time reflecting on the day and its meaning.

4. Is there a veteran in your life, living or dead, whose dedication you remember and celebrate? Or perhaps a loved one presently serving in the armed forces?
Every Veterans' Day brings to mind my grandfather, "Red" (cause of the red hair!). He was an Army Major and served in the Signal Corps during WWII, Korea & Vietnam. I was three or four when he passed away - but I still have a couple distinct memories of him. There are so many things I would have loved to asked him about...life in general, really.
As far as people currenty serving in the armed forces...I know many. Some are family members, others close friends (who, for all intents and purposes, are part of my extended family): cousin M in VA; cousin J in MD and about to deploy; P in the Desert; H in FL; J in Italy. I also know a great deal of military folks via the magic of technology.

5. Do you have any personal rituals which help you remember and connect with loved ones who have passed on? Listening to Big Band Music. Asking my mom to tell stories about my grandfather. Praying.

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