08 February 2008

Friday five

This is a particularly a propos Friday Fiver...

Chicken Soup
1. How often do you get sick with a cold? The flu? Something else?
Well, I have a cold right now. A mild one. Every few months...though I'm more prone to them when I don't sleep enough.

2. Are you the sort of person who goes to work or school no matter how sick you are or are you willing to stay at home when it gets bad?
No - I stay home if I can. I don't like being that person who goes to work sick, and then gets everyone else sick. That happens a lot in our office.

3. How do you like to treat a cold? What remedies do you like and why?
Rest, water, tea, soup, nighttime cold meds so I can sleep.

4. What do you do to keep from getting sick in the winter?
um...well. Not sure on that one.

5. What is your favorite thing to do when you stay home from work or school?
Sleep. Watch a dvd. Today I stayed in bed with my laptop and watched Ugly Betty.

1 comment:

Sharona said...

Hey, I was out sick on Friday, too! We should have enjoyed Ugly Betty together! Of course, I spent the majority of my day hunched over my trashcan like so many cats working up a hairball. On that note, I shall officially be single forever.

I miss you! Let us play soon.