22 January 2008

hurry up and wait

That was basically how I spent my day today . . . hurrying up and waiting.

I guess it worked, though, 'cause I finally made it back to my home sweet SF home a few minutes ago. The cab ride home was entertaining. As soon as I got in, the cabby starts hitting on me, asking about my state of singleness or marriedness and if I would like a "part-time boyfriend". . . and I was being polite, but I was on the verge of cracking up. I could barely understand the man because of:
a. my tiredness
b. his extremely thick accent
c. road noise

Good times. Had by all.

OH and surprise, this is post number 500! How exciting. I think I'll give myself a high five. *high five!!!!!!*

1 comment:

Sharona said...