29 February 2008

Leap Year Friday Fives

It's Leap Day!! Whether you're one of the special few who have a birthday only once every four years, or simply confused by the extra day on the calendar, everyone is welcome to join in and play our Leap Year Friday Five.

Tell us about a time you:
1. Leapt before looked:
In recent memory – deciding about 24 hours before-the-fact to head to NashVegas for MLK, Jr. weekend. It was a good decision :)

2. Leapt to a conclusion:
Honestly, there was this one audition last year that I NAILED and thought for sure I was going to get the part for which I auditioned. I mean…really…there were so many factors pointing me towards that conclusion. And after all was said and done – I didn’t get the role, which was disappointing. And I felt even stupider for being ‘so sure’ of it. I guess it’s a fine line between self-confidence and being cocky . . . But I got over it.

3. Took a Leap of Faith:
Every day . . .

4. Took a literal Leap:
This one time caving in CO with my youth group (many years ago now), I leapt into nothingness and ended up hanging upside-down there for a while, suspended by my boot which had wedged *just so* in a crevasse. And let me tell you how awesome that was. I owe my life/sanity/etc. to Ty’s brother (and P’s cousin) M for getting me outta that situation.

5. And finally, what might you be faced with leaping in the coming year?
I feel like this year might bring several life hurdles my way. I’ll be entering the last year of my 20s, so perhaps that has something to do with said feeling. I’m not sure yet what all that entails . . . we’ll see!

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