08 May 2006

ARGH rant alert

i need to go to bed, i'm exhausted, but i just need to vent first. i'm soooo freaking pissed off..well, more like just highly annoyed and frustrated (yeah well, probably combined with pms..NOT a good thing)

ack ac afj uifew ;ofjk,uiher ;owh;03

was just fine and ducky except for the fact that
a) our director is completely nuts
b) because she wants us ALL to like, magically get new shoes? what? i don't think so...not the WEEK of the performance...try giving us a month leeway eh?

ALSO what the HELL are you doing charging freaking 70 bucks a ticket to get in? dude. your company is NOT an alist company...you can't charge that much, especially for two shows which aren't really well known, and are a 'hard sell'......you wonder why you've only sold 25% of the house (25% of 2,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!) baaaad news bears.

not that i really care, except for the fact that i do have a signed contract. and, no, i did not get into opera for the paycheck...lmao. that's hilarious. but, it's the principle of it all.

DON'T call your leads in for an extra, random staging rehearsal and then turn it into voice lessons. i'm sorry...but helllll no. that is SO unprofessional. i'm not an ego maniac about my voice, but, believe you me i am quite aware of what I can and cannot do at this point in my vocal life. this might feed *your* ego to tweak us and give out little quick crutches, but it ultimately does nothing, but make your singers feel insecure and shitty. IF you're concerned about voices carrying in a large hall, hire singers with better technique, NOT 'chorus' singers. duh.

ugly ugly ugly post is what this is, but i just cannot help it, i am almost at my breaking point with these people. and, they are all actually quite nice people, they just have NO idea what the *&#$! they are doing. ack ack akc akc akc alk fjlkj

1 comment:

annelies said...

perfectly understandable. don't let your director ruffle your feathers. you've vented all of this on your blog so leave it there. rise above it because it sounds like the director is insecure and therefore trying to bring everyone to their level. *hug*