11 June 2005

Late Night Fun

Long time, no post, I know.

Thursday night, on my way to my new favorite jazz place, I was talking with a friend about age. We decided that, as mid-twentysomethings, we were now acting more like 21 year olds than we did when we were actually 21. And by acting like we were 21, I mean partying (or, staying out late) on a Monday. Or Tuesday. Or any eve before working the next day.

I've decided to embrace this fact. Sleep be damned. Well, that is, until I am walking down the street and just keel over from sheer exhaustion. Caffeine only works so much, before it starts making me feel sick.

I know I need a lot of sleep. But, at the same time, I am having a lot of fun just doing random things, seeing people, hanging out. If not now, when?

So, as a public service, here are some of my favorite late night places in SF:
Cafe Cocomo (duh).
Red Devil Lounge
Caffe Greco

Not to mention a few hidden gems from AZ. But if I told you about those, I'd have to kill you :)
I have to post this conversation I had last night. It is too funny not to.

Setting: Italian pizzaria, straight out of my favorite movies. Each table has a little jukebox. I selected "O Sole Mio", and the following conversation ensued:

*Bopsy: "Hey, isn't this Beethoven?"
Me: "pffffsshshshhthtthth (trying not to spew my food) HAHAAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA"
Bopsy: "Oh, no, wait. It was Elvis. He sang this." [true]

Hilarious. Simply HI-LAR-I-OUS. *some names have been changed*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

brat. :P