02 March 2005

Hang Ten, dude

Everyday from 9-10 am and again at various times throughout the day, you can find me practicing a new sport.

I call it Urban Surfing.

No water, board, wetsuit nor swimsuit required.

What you DO need:
-briefcase or large bag
-iPod with headphones (or, in my case, slightly beat-up discman)
-MUNI pass
-Flat shoes (beginner); high heels (pro)
-crowded express bus (or street car, train, trolley)
-San Francisco Hills

The trick is keeping the knees soft and keeping balanced while being hurled down California street at breakneck speeds during the rush hour commute. When the driver decides to slam on the brakes behind a double parked car, you better hope you've trained enough not to fall over and take out your neighbors with a gnarly domino-effect topple. Not as easy as it appears to be.

Happy Surfing!


Sandra Vahtel said...

Katy! You have officially gone crazy!

MezzoCO said...

Was there any reason to doubt that before now? lolll