01 December 2004


that I am my parents' daughter. Do you ever have those "OMG, I'm turning into my parents" moments? Maybe because I've been around them this week I'm noticing more just how influential their attitudes/thoughts/behaviors/tendencies have been on me. Let me give you a couple of examples:

1. Went to dinner at this deli last week with the 'rents. My dad and I both ordered hot tea. I opened my tea bag, smelled it, then dropped it in the hot water. I just happen to look at my dad who, at that exact moment, lifted his teabag up, smelled it, and dropped it into his cup of water. Needless to say, the three of us just about died laughing, much to the curiosity of our dining neighbors.

2. I was backing out of a parking spot today, with my mom in the passenger seat. Just as I was getting close to the car behind me in the lot, I said, "I'm going to try and not hit that car." Cue the response (from both of us): "Well, that would be preferable." duh.

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