13 March 2009

Friday Five: Mid-Lent Check-In

1. Did you give up, or take on, anything special for Lent this year? I gave up watching TV.

2. Have you been able to stay with your original plans, or has life gotten in the way? Pretty much, yes. Though I did watch part of the news the other night.

3. Has God had any surprising blessings for you during this Lent? I have rediscovered listening to music just for the sole purpose of listening to music without any other distractions. And not just having it as background to other activities - but actively listening to it - which I have not done in a very long time.

4. What is on your inner and/or outer agenda for the remainder of Lent and Holy Week?
I have lots of rehearsal during Lent for a forthcoming show. As far as Holy Week itself? It's tech week for said show...but I'll most likely celebrate Easter with friends and family here in SF.

5. Where do you most long to see resurrection, in your life and/or in the world, this Easter? Resurrection and renewal in my daily spiritual life. As far as the world at large goes...wow. I don't even know where to start!

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