29 October 2008

Join Our DA, Vote No On Prop K

If you read past the first paragraph or two of Proposition K, you'll see that it lumps sexual slavery in with decriminalization of prostitution. This means that, if it passes, several currently entrapped (read: enslaved and trafficked) individuals (many in massage parlors in San Francisco) will be outside the protection of the city's law enforcement system. The resources that are currently available to police to investigate and prosecute these crimes and the money available for programs that help victims will CEASE if K passes.

Please visit the following sites for more info:
No On K website for more detailed info on this proposition
General info on human trafficking

UC Berkeley's Human Rights Center report on Trafficking

2006 SF Chronicle 4-part series on Human Trafficking (I just did a search for "Diary of a Sex Slave")

Folks against Prop K:
"It strips ALL funding to investigate human trafficking rings and prevents the district attorney's office from prosecuting prostitution-related crimes."-Kamala Harris, SF District Attorney

"Let's defeat this measure. Let's enforce the existing state laws against pimps, johns, and traffickers. Let's develop a progressive social policy and legal response to the human rights violations of trafficking and prostitution."
Allen Wilson, Member ACLU
Francise Braae, Interim Executive Director SAGE Project,
Ann Singer, Jewish Coalition to End Human Trafficking
Gretchen Richardson, Program Manager, Walden House
Roma Guy, Former Health Commissioner

Vote no on Prop K
-Kamala Harris

Vote no on Prop K!
-Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods

Vote no on Prop K.
-Citizens for a Better San Francisco

"Proposition K cuts funds for supporitng prostituted women in changing their lives. Don't abandon them to pimps and other predators. Vote No on K."
Elizabeth Boardman, Writer and Peace Activist
Mariza Penagos, HIV Services Activist
Aileen C. Hernandez, California Women's Agenda
Doreen Der-McLeod, Cameron House
Glenda Hope, Safehouse for Women
Rev. Norman Fong, Chinatown Community Development Corporation
Barry Hermanson, Green for Congress

"Sex traffickers flock to destinations where law enforcement ignores prostitution. Please don't vote for Measure K."

Pamela LoPinto San Francisco United for Women and Neighborhoods
Laurie Fields, Dept. of Psychiatry UCSF
Alicia Boccellari, Trauma Recovery Center

"Trafficked women are primarily women of color or immigrants. San Francisco is a hub for the sex trade in Asians (often captive in massage parlors), Latinos (used in Cantina bar prostitution), and African Americans (often sold on the street). Measure K will end funding for education services that help women and children escape their slavery. We oppose Measure K."

Ysmin Kaderali, Students and Artists Fighting to End Human Slavery
Andrea Bass, San Francisco United for Women and Neighborhoods
Kathleen Watkins, Prostitution Research and Education


Buck said...

So... what's the temp on this, Mezzo? As in which way is the electorate leaning? I read things like this, including the proposition about keeping Jr. ROTC as opposed to banning it as the City Council has already done, and just shake my head in disbelief...

My wording on the JROTC thing is awkward. Lest you misunderstand me, I'm TOTALLY in favor of keeping JROTC. (No surprise, I'm sure) ;-)

MezzoCO said...

Hey, Buck:
I think the JROTC will be kept. Everyone from the Mayor to both major parties endorse keeping it in the schools...it's just the select few (who also want to rename the sewage plant the GWBush sewage plant) who want to get rid of it. I'd be shocked if the vote went to ban it.

As far as Prop K goes - that will probably be a close call, one which is right now leaning towards passing (that is - decrimnalizing prostitution). The problem is the wording of this prop. If voters take the time to actually read the whole thing, instead of just the first paragraph - which does sound like a pretty good idea - then I think they'll see what this is all about. I don't know though - we'll see. There is barely any coverage of prop k here, because most everyone's energies is on the marriage prop (#8)