15 August 2008

Friday Five - Memories

1. Smells, and memories. Do you have a scent that when you smell it, brings up a memory? Do share. Patchouli. It reminds me of summer youth camp in New Mexico.

2. Songs. Is there a particular song that brings back happy memories? Song title and memory, if you care to share that much. Glenn Miller's "In the mood" reminds me of being a little kid and dancing with my grandmother to her big band music blasting from the enormous record player in her living room.

3. How about a song that brings up painful memories? Song title and memory, if you care to share that much. Amazing Grace is forever etched in my soul as it was sung at my aforementioned grandmother's funeral.

4. Food. Is there a certain food that conjures up memories? Orange muffins and root-beer floats are some of my earliest taste memories . . . we used to have those at my great-grandmother's house!

5. Clothing? Do you have an item of clothing or if you see a certain item, does it make you think of a time/place or person? hmmmmm. Velour jogging suits will forever and always remind me of my father. Those are his outfits for leisure around the house.

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