27 May 2008

LIVE! from DIA...it's TUESDAY night!

LIVE! blogging from DIA. I volunteered to give up my seat to take the later flight. Not a big deal for this trip, and now I have myself a free-ticket voucher good for use anytime in the next year. WOOT.

It's been a great trip back home . . . I feel - if not physically rested (I still stay up late here!) - rested in spirit. So, that's good. And now it's time to hit the ground running!

Will write more later, but for now, gotta go check on my flight.


Nixon said...

The DIA? In Detroit?!? That's near my parents' neck of the woods.

MezzoCO said...

Alas not DIA as in Detroit...but DIA as in airport code DEN.

BUT who knows - maybe your mom and I crossed paths anyway...she was out in CO for the big Libertarian to-do last week, right???
Small world :)