26 March 2006


well, actually now it is night time, if you want to get technical about it.

do you ever notice how dependent we've become on our electronic devices? for real...i turned my phone off today. for about 4 hours. just plain off. i was having lunch and spending time w/DGS and decided I could turn my phone off.

And wouldn't you know, as soon as I turn it back it, it was like the world had come to an end in those four hours. I hadn't barely talked to anyone in a week (busy, sick, etc), and I had 4 messages. Wha? It just made me chuckle. Mostly people leaving messages "mock" freaking out...like "OMG, your phone is OFF?!? It's the end of the world!!"


Anyways . . . lunch was nice today...and I'm glad it happened. DGS and I were both a little out of it, but it was totally worth it. We met about halfway between our respective points of origin and hung out at Black Bear talking, eating and playing hangman. I know that my weekends are getting more complicated with rehearsals and all, and I want to make the most of the times we do have.

People say that in a relationship there has to be give and take; a sort of "meeting in the middle," if you will. And if that middle happens to be at a Black Bear Diner in Suisun City...so be it :)

(they have good food, btw!)

time for bed....

1 comment:

math jedi said...

I know what you mean. I don't answer my phone when I'm with people unless it's a dire emergency, and I hate it when people call and ask why I didn't answer. As if I sit around all day just waiting for the phone to ring.