27 January 2006

Today at work, I . . .

[x] left a ridiculously rambling phone message

[x] laughed so hard, I cried

[x] thought my boss was going to keel over from lack of O2

[x] got a new toothbrush (purple!)

[x] got a new eyeglasses screwdriver

[x] had the best chicken salad sandwhich ever

[x] thought someone had stolen some checks

[x] realized we are no where NEAR ready for our move/renovations

[x] was asked to return a bogus candybar for my boss (but the deli had closed already)

[x] got a phone call from Hawaii!

[x] worked

[x] got free samples of coffee to take home

[x] laughed at a co-worker, who was sleeping sitting up at his desk

[x] was stuck in a dark room with no lights

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