28 April 2005

"From my point of view," said the polyglot, "it is open to many different interpretations."

AZ and I went to see "The Interpreter" last night. I loved it (big shocker). Great film, with only a few lines that are too cheesy to be reprinted, even in this blog.

Love Sean Penn. Great in his usual on-the-brink-of-falling apart-but-must-plow-on-and-get-the-job-done-dramafest-intense-gazing-prodding-eyeballs-etc

Nicole K - love her. Strong-smart-but-in-over-her-head-with-cool-nationality-mix-and-determination-for-justice-and-peace-and-also-plays-the-flute.

And, of course, this movie made me want to drop everything and go work at the UN. Or really, just bolstered me on in the pursuit of learning languages and studying culture. Yes, they also help me in singing. (It's very frustrating to have to sing something, without really knowing what you are saying. And don't even get me started on trying to translate a language when you don't even know rudimentary grammar. Practically impossible).
And yet, it goes deeper than that for me, and always has. It's that 25-years tug-of-war that continues in my brain, my heart, my gut, between music and language. I've written about this before (see October 21st), and it is something that waxes and wanes. It is a skirmish (not quite a full-scale battle) that I have to keep in check. I don't know yet how to reconcile the two parts...we'll see. I'll keep you "posted".
As for now, I've started taking Spanish classes, which I love despite the fact that half my answers come out in Italian. Ack.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I just wanted to tell you that commented on your October post because I found it so interesting! I know you wrote it ages ago, but, well, I just found you!