24 January 2005

We are family...

hoo boy! it's that time.....

My parents are coming to town on Friday, as well as my Aunt and a friend of hers from Louisiana. I love my family. They are so wonderful, loving, supportive, wacky and gracious. I'm really looking forward to seeing them. I know I was just at home for Christmas, but it's different when they are the ones coming out here.

When I go home, I tend to get warp-sped backwards into childhood. Do you know what I mean? Not that this is a horrible thing, mind you. I just find myself getting sucked back into the routines, habits and roles that I had until I left for college. It can be frustrating, but at the same time, it is sometimes comforting to just be taken care of by mom and dad.

Now, when they come to SF, it's this big adventure! I'm "living in the big city" (yeah, and Denver's just a cow town...). Living this exciting life, doing my thing, making music, seeing friends. Driving like a local (ack!).

I don't know what it is about child/parent relationships when the child is in their 20s and the parents are not the be-all-end-all to us as they once were. It's a dynamic relationship, and sometimes I find myself asserting my "independant-it's none of your business, anyways-I'm not a child anymore" side, and at other times I just want to be reminded that I will always be someone's 'little girl'.

Regardless of these dynamics, there is one thing my family will never be, and that is boring. According to AZ, we are fit for our own reality tv show. Haven't quite decided if that is good or bad (ha ha)!

Just one parting caveat: Both Bill and Fran are getting rental cars for the weekend (why two? who knows!), so I suggest watching the roads verrrry carefully. We've got one 'old man driver' and one complete out-of-towner-tourist who's never driven here before. Need I say more...?

ps: my brother is turning 23 in a couple of weeks! I CANNOT believe it! But also a question...what the HECK do you get a 23y.o. for his birthday? Anyone, anyone...bueller? bueller?

1 comment:

annelies said...


i can see bill now: hat on his head, looking around, "ooh katy, there's the trans-america building."
your mom: "bill, watch the road. oh well."
well i must say that will be great fun. i'm sure ryan will have a blast with so much daniel lovin' to go around... i would love to hang out with you and them if possible. let me know.